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Public Health & Hospitals

  • Head of the Department : Dr.Sanjib Majumdar
  • Contact No: +91-9434328017

Nature of Work

  • Regular immunization program:
    Total 45 centers are run by the health section & NGO’s together for the prevention of different diseases like TB, Polio, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Measles & Hepatitis- B.
  • Intensified Pulse Polio immunization programme :
    Intensified Pulse Polio immunization programme is carried out by the health section, SMC according to the national and sub-national schedule every time. More than 50,000 children’s are vaccinated every time.
  • To look after the population at large, in 47 wards under SMC, the wardwise health checkup programme are organized by councilors and ward committee members on different ailments like Diabetes, Heart Diseases Eye and other. For this Rs. 15000/- per year per ward is allotted.
  • Matrisadan, Dabgram, Maternity home cum OPD under SMC is giving the services to all particularly the BPL, SC & ST population of siliguri. There are both outdoor and Indoor facilities for General patient and expecting mother. Normal delivery facilities, Caesarean, sterilization and MTP facility, medicine, skin OPD, USG, ECG facilities are available. Medicines are also given to BPL patient free of cost. Former IPP-VIII ext. project now renamed as Urban health care primary services under which Matri Sadan, 8nos. health in different wards and 61 nos. of Sub- health post are giving the services to the slum based population under SMC for last 12 years. Much improvement has occurred in all the slum socio-economically and personal hygiene and health particularly. 244 nos. of honorary health workers and 61 nos. of first-tier supervisors are visiting the houses and collecting data and giving first aid treatment for the necessary requirement. The part-time medical officer attending sub-health post weekly and giving treatment.
    Training program on nutrition, reproductive & child health, AIDS & immunization is given to all HHW and FTS time to time by the health section.
    Jononi Suraksha Yojona & Ayusmoti Scheme are also introduced for BPL, SC & ST patients. Free Sterilisation(Tubal Ligation) are done in Matrisadan.
  • Srinivas Seva Sadan Health Center - another outpatient deptt. at Desbandhupara ward no. 30 siliguri is giving services to BPL & non-BPL patients. General OPD from 10:00 A.M to 12:00 noon, Mon to Sat & Special OPD run by specialist doctors at different time & date by Physician, Eye surgeon, Gynecologist pediatric specialist, Skin etc.
  • Awareness program on Vector - Born Diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Encephalitis etc. Are done ward wise by I.E.C.
    Sanitary inspectors of 5 boroughs are vigilant in this matter & regular cleansing procedure, fogging, spraying Larvicidal oil & Bleaching powder are done.
  • To prevent Prenatal Sex Determination of foetus & to maintain the sex ratio between male & female proportion, awareness generation by Folk-Troup program is done at the health post and other places too.
  • 10 NOs. Upper Primary Health Centers (UPHC) are running within the Siliguri Municipal Corporation Area.