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Accounts Department

Name of the Head of the Department with Designation: 

 (W.B.A & A.S.)

Details of the work/function of the department:

Carry out accounting activities of S.M.C. And handling of the treasury.

Major works done by this section are as follows:

  •  Keep a constant watch on the state of Cash and Bank balances and investments relating to Municipal fund.
  • Prepare Budget Estimates, allocation of Budget to various functionaries and control over Budget expenditure.
  • Prepare annual accounts (Balance Sheet) of the Corporation. Deals with processing / passing Pay Bills, Loans & Advances to employees & TA/DA of staff relating to different departments of the Corporation.
  • Deals with processing / passing Work Bills relating to Municipal / Grant works, maintain proper record of various grants received, deduction of TDS/VAT from work bills and its timely deposits.
  • Deals with passing/processing purchase and supply bills, contingent bills and Temporary and Permanent Advances.
  • Deals with maintenance of General Provident Fund accounts and Contributory Pension Scheme accounts of employees and Investments under GPF and also responsible for making payment of pension/retirement benefits of the retired municipal empployees.